Oldal: 1 / 2 12 UtolsóUtolsó
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Téma: fordítót keresek

  1. #1
    'Say Hello To My Little Friend'
    Begyűjtött 0 köszönetet
    0 hozzászólásával

    Alapbeállítás fordítót keresek

    Egy gyenge fordítást szeretnék kiadni bérbe.
    Az első fordító jutalma egy footer link lesz.
    Fordította: LINK
    Sajnos pénzt nem tudok adni érte.
    Előre is köszönöm.
    Íme a nyelvi fájl:

    B A D W O R D D E F I N I T I O N S
    $BAD_WORD_LIST = array("fuck","assh","idiot");

    L O C A L E S
    define("LOCALE_DATETIME","%2$02d/%3$02d/%1$04d %4$02d:%5$02d:%6$02d");

    P R O G R A M S T R I N G T A B L E
    define("LANG_TTLADMINLOGIN","Administrator login");
    define("LANG_LOGINNONAMEORPASS","Sorry, but you have to enter user name and password!");
    define("LANG_WRONGPASSWORD","Sorry, but the login name and/or your password you entered are incorrect!");
    define("LANG_INPTTLADDCAT","ADMIN-AREA: Add category to database");
    define("LANG_NOCATEGORYSELECTED","Please enter a category name, that should be created!");
    define("LANG_CATEGORYEXISTS","We are sorry, but this category name already exists in the database!");
    define("LANG_TTLDBMAINTAIN","ADMIN-AREA: Database maintenance");
    define("LANG_DBCONNECTERRORCUST","We are sorry, but the selected page could not be displayed, because of a database connection error...<p>Please click the 'Back'-button of your web browser and try again!<br>Thank you!");
    define("LANG_GENERALEDITSUCCESS","Editing changes was successful!");
    define("LANG_FIELDTYPEDROPDOWN","Drop-Down box");
    define("LANG_FIELDTYPEOPTION","Option field");
    define("LANG_TTLFIELDDEF","ADMIN-AREA: Define free fields");
    define("LANG_DEFINEFIELDSOKAY","Free field definitions updated successfully!");
    define("LANG_DEFINEFIELDSERROR","Sorry, but there was a problem updating the free field definitions!<br>Please retry!");
    define("LANG_TTLADMINDELOUTDATED","ADMIN-AREA: Delete outdated ads");
    define("LANG_MSGNOTSELECTED","Please select a message!");
    define("LANG_DBEMPTYTABLE","--- We are sorry! But there´s no entry ---");
    define("LANG_TTLADMINEDITCATS","ADMIN-AREA: Edit categories");
    define("LANG_NOCATSELECTEDDEL","Please select a category name to be deleted!");
    define("LANG_CATDELETESUCCESS","Category was deleted successfully from database!");
    define("LANG_INPDELPREVCAT","Deleting category failed due to existing child categories!");
    define("LANG_NOCATSELECTEDEDIT","Please select a category name to be edited!");
    define("LANG_CATUPDATENOINPUT","Please enter any information to be changed in the database!");
    define("LANG_INPADDCATCIRCLEPREV","Circle reference!<br>A category cannot be its own mother category!");
    define("LANG_GENERALEDITERROR","Sorry, but there was a problem writing your changes to the database. Please try again. Thank you!");
    define("LANG_INPADDCATSELNOCHANGE","- no Change -");
    define("LANG_TTLADMINEDTMSG","ADMIN-AREA: Edit messages");
    define("LANG_DBACCESSERROR","Sorry, database access error!");
    define("LANG_TTLEDMYMESS","Edit my articles");
    define("LANG_PAGEPARAMETERERROR","The parameters you used to call this page are invalid.");
    define("LANG_NEWADMANDATORYERROR","We are sorry, but you have to fill all mandatory fields! Please check the red crosses!");
    define("LANG_NEWADEMAILERROR","The e-mail address you entered seems to be invalid!");
    define("LANG_NEWADPICUPLOADERR","Sorry, upload failed due to a copy error! Filecopy from temporary upload- to usergraphic directory failed!");
    define("LANG_NEWADPICFORMATERROR","We are sorry, but the file you tried to upload is not a JPEG- or PNG-picture!");
    define("LANG_NEWADADDERROR","We are sorry, but something went wrong!<br>Please click the 'Back'-button of your web browser and try again!<br>Thank you!");
    define("LANG_ERRORNOPICATTACHED","<i>- No pic attached -</i>");
    define("LANG_FIELDMAINCATEGORY","Category overview");
    define("LANG_TTLMYMESS","My Messages");
    define("LANG_TTLSELECTUSER","ADMIN-AREA: Select a user to edit");
    define("LANG_EDITUSERNOUSERSELECTED","Please select a user account to be edited and try again!");
    define("LANG_INPTTLADMEDTUSER","Edit user account");
    define("LANG_NEWUSERPASSWORDERROR","The passwords you entered are not equal. Please retry!");
    define("LANG_ADMEDITUSERUPDATESUC","Your user data was changed successfully!");
    define("LANG_TTLMYUSERSETTINGS","My User settings");
    define("LANG_TTLADMININSTALLDB","ADMIN-AREA: Database install");
    define("LANG_TTLADMINUPDATEDB","Admin: Database update - version 3.5 to 4.0");
    define("LANG_DBCONNECTERROR","Sorry, but the database could not be connected. Please check the settings in your configuration file!");
    define("LANG_DBINSTALLFAILED","<p>Installation finished with errors!<br>Please check the database settings in your configuration file config.inc.php and the user privilegues of your database server. After that, please execute the installation script a second time. Thanks!");
    define("LANG_DBINSTALLOKAY","<p>All tables were created successfully!<br>Have fun using this PHP-script!");
    define("LANG_TTLADMINLOGOUT","ADMIN-AREA: Logout Administrator");
    define("LANG_TTLADMINLOGVIEW","ADMIN-AREA: Show logfile");
    define("LANG_LOGFILEEMPTY","Sorry, but no entry was found in this logfile");
    define("LANG_TTLCONTACT","Contact via e-mail");
    define("LANG_SENDMAILFAILED","We are sorry, but your e-mail could not be sent. Please try again!");
    define("LANG_SENDMAILSUCCESS","Your e-mail was sent successfully!");
    define("LANG_LINKTOSPECARTICLE","Back to ad view");
    define("LANG_USERNOTLOGGEDON","Sorry, but the webpage you called is only available for registered and logged in users. Please log on and try again.");
    define("LANG_GENERALAUTOMREDIRECTION","<p align=\"center\">You will now be automatically redirected!<br>If your browser does not support this feature, please use the links below!</p>");
    define("LANG_EDITMSGNOTUSERS","Sorry, but this message does not belong to you. For this reason, you have no right to edit it!");
    define("LANG_ERRNOTYETRELEASED","We are sorry, but this ad has not been released by the Administrator. We would like to ask for you patience.");
    define("LANG_TTLGENERALTERMS","General terms&amp;conditions");
    define("LANG_TTLCATSELECT","Classified Ads");
    define("LANG_INDEXUSERUNKNOWN","Your are currently not logged on as a user!");
    define("LANG_DBEMPTYCATS","Sorry, but no categories could be found!");
    define("LANG_LINKTOADMINNOCATS","Start administration to add categories");
    define("LANG_HEADLINECATSELECT","Category index");
    define("LANG_INDEXNEWARTICONAGE","[ Category of closed usergroup! ]");
    define("LANG_INDEXNEWARTICONNEW","[ New ads! ]");
    define("LANG_HEADLINETTLFEATURED","Featured ads - you should have a look...");
    define("LANG_HEADLINETITLEROW","Ad title");
    define("LANG_HEADLINEWRITERROW","Ad writer");
    define("LANG_HEADLINEDATEROW","In date");
    define("LANG_NOPICAVAILABLE","No picture available");
    define("LANG_INDEXNEWARTICONADAGE","[ Ad of closed usergroup! ]");
    define("LANG_NODATAENTRY","--- We are sorry! But there´s no entry at the moment ---");
    define("LANG_NOADSUSER","--- Acutally there are no ads of yours ---");
    define("LANG_HEADLINETTLLASTIN","Latest ads");
    define("LANG_TTLLOSTPW","Password forgotten");
    define("LANG_LOSTPWALREADYIN","Your are already logged in. There is no need to request a new password.");
    define("LANG_LOSTPWNOEMAIL","Please enter your email address");
    define("LANG_LOSTPWMAILERROR","Sorry, but an error occured!<br>The e-mail could not be sent to you. Please try again!");
    define("LANG_LOSTPWMAILSUCCESS","Your request was processed successfully! Please check your email account for login data.");
    define("LANG_TTLNEWAD","Add new ad");
    define("LANG_LOGINSUBMITNOTALLOWED","We are sorry, but you do not have the permission to submit new ads!<br>Please login with your user account or register a new user name!<p>Thank you!");
    define("LANG_NEWADUPLOADCOPYERROR","Sorry, but there was a problem uploading the picture. Due to technical problems copying the files, your ad could not be submitted!");
    define("LANG_NEWADADDSUCCESS","Thank you for submitting your ad!");
    define("LANG_LINKTOMYAD","View your submitted ad");
    define("LANG_RELADSINFORMATION","Your submitted ad will now be checked by the Administrator and will be online as soon as possible!");
    define("LANG_LINKTOMYADSCAT","Show the category of submitted ad");
    define("LANG_INPTTLNEWAD","Submit a new ad");
    define("LANG_INPTTLNEWUSER","Add a new user");
    define("LANG_NEWUSERUSERNAMETOSHORT","The user name you entered is too short. It has to be >3 characters. Please retry!");
    define("LANG_NEWUSERUSERALREADYSTORED","The user name you entered is already in use. Please choose another name and try again!");
    define("LANG_NEWUSEREMAILALREADYSTORED","The e-mail-address you used is already stored in our database. Please check the entered e-mail-address.<br>If you are already a member of this community, please use the \"password-lost\"-function to retrieve a new password! Thank you!");
    define("LANG_NEWUSERADDERROR","We are sorry, but the user could not be added to the database. Please retry!");
    define("LANG_NEWUSERADDSUCCESSOPTIN","Your user data has been saved.<br>To finish your registration, you will get an email containing the activation code for your account.");
    define("LANG_NEWUSERADDSUCCESS","User registration finished successfully!");
    define("LANG_TTLUSERLOGIN","Logon user");
    define("LANG_TTLRELEASEUSER","Activate user account");
    define("LANG_RELUSERPARAMETERERR","Please enter activation code and user id.");
    define("LANG_RELUSERUNKNOWNUSER","Unable to read user data. Please check user-id.");
    define("LANG_RELUSERWRONGCODE","Invalid activation code.");
    define("LANG_RELUSERALREADYRELEASED","This user account is already activated. Please log in.");
    define("LANG_RELUSERCOMMONERR","Common error occurred while activating user account. Please retry.");
    define("LANG_RELUSERSUCCESS","User account activated successfully!");
    define("LANG_TTLRSS","RSS-feed information");
    define("LANG_TTLSEARCHAD","Search for ads");
    define("LANG_SRCHNOKEY","Please enter a search key!");
    define("LANG_SRCHNOFOUND","--- We are sorry! But there´s no entry for your search criteria ---");
    define("LANG_TTLEXTSRCH","Extended ad search");
    define("LANG_TTLSHOWAD","View an ad");
    define("LANG_PAGEARTICLENOTFOUND","The ad you tried to open is not or no longer in our database!");
    define("LANG_ADVIEWNOTCHECKED","We are sorry, but this ad is still not checked by the Administrator!<br>Please ask the administrator for further information!<p>Thank you!");
    define("LANG_ADVIEWNOTALLOWED","We are sorry, but you do not have the permission to view this ad!<br>Please login with your user account, register a new user name or ask the administrator for further information!<p>Thank you!");
    define("LANG_SHOWADNOPICSATTACHED","<i>- This ad has no images attached -</i>");
    define("LANG_FIELDAIM","AOL Instant Messenger");
    define("LANG_GETINCONTACT","Get in contact via e-mail");
    define("LANG_LINKTOEDITMYAD","Edit this ad");
    define("LANG_CATVIEWNOTALLOWED","We are sorry, but you do not have the permission to view this category!<br>Please login with your user account, register a new user name or ask the administrator for further information!<p>Thank you!");
    define("LANG_FIELDSUBCATDESC","Category description");
    define("LANG_NOMORESUBCATSFOUND","No more sub categories found!");
    define("LANG_SHOWADSTABLETITLE","Ad index");
    define("LANG_TTLTELLAFRIEND","Tell-a-friend about an ad");
    define("LANG_LOGINALREADYLOGGEDIN","Your login failed, because you are already logged in with this user account.");
    define("LANG_LOGINUSERNOTRELEASED","This user account is not activated yet. Please check your emails for an activation email.");
    define("LANG_USERLOGINSUCCESS","<h4>Login was successful!</h4>");
    define("LANG_TTLUSERLOGOUT","Logout user");
    define("LANG_USERLOGOUTSUCCESS","<h4>You logged out successfully!<p>Your personal data is now secured!</h4>");
    define("LANG_GENERALBACKERROR","We are sorry, but something went wrong!<br>Please click the 'Back'-button of your web browser and try again!<br>Thank you!");
    define("LANG_WAITINGFORCHECK","Not yet released");
    define("LANG_REMAINDAYSOVERYEAR","more than 1 year");
    define("LANG_USERACTIONSELECT","- Select action -");
    define("LANG_USERACTIONDELETE","Delete selected ad(s)");
    define("LANG_USERACTIONPROLONG","Prolong selected ad(s)");
    define("LANG_USERACTIONBUTTON","Execute change(s)");
    define("LANG_CATINSERTSUCCESS","Category %1 was created successfully!");
    define("LANG_CATINSERTERROR","We are sorry, but there was a problem creating the category %1");
    define("LANG_MSGDELETESUCCESS","%1 ad(s) were deleted from database!<br>Deleting of %2 ad(s) failed!");
    define("LANG_CATEDITSUCCESS","Category %1 was edited successfully!");
    define("LANG_NEWADPICERROR","We are sorry, but there was a problem with your upload.<br>Please check the size of your picture (max. %1Kb)!");
    define("LANG_INPADMINEDTMSGINIP","submitted on %1 <br>from Ip-address: %2");
    define("LANG_USERINFOSUMOFADS","%1 ads of yours are stored in the database");
    define("LANG_USERINFOVIEWSOFADS","Your ads were viewed %1-times");
    define("LANG_USERINFOCONTSOFADS","You were contacted %1-times");
    define("LANG_USERINFOTELLSOFADS","Your ads were told-a-friend %1-times");
    define("LANG_USERINFOFEATSOFADS","%1 of your ads are featured ads");
    define("LANG_USERINFONOLOGINS","This visit is your %1 one");
    define("LANG_DBCOMMONERROR","A database error occurred: %1");
    define("LANG_TBLCREATER","Creating table %1");
    define("LANG_TBLCREATEERROR","Table could not be created. Error: %1.");
    define("LANG_INPLOGVIEWDELETEDROWS","%1 entries were deleted from database");
    define("LANG_GENERALCONTMAILSUBJECT","[ %1 ] New message received from website!");
    define("LANG_CONTMAILSUBJECT","[ %1 ] Someone answered your ad!");
    define("LANG_COPYMAILSUBJECT","Admin-Info: %1");
    define("LANG_USEROPTINMAILSUBJECT","[ %1 ] Your user account waits to be activated!");
    define("LANG_RELADSMAILSUBJECT","[ %1 ] A new ad needs to be checked!");
    define("LANG_RELADSMAILINFOONLY","[ %1 ] New ad inserted!");
    define("LANG_LOSTPWMAILSUBJECT","[ %1 ] Your request login data!");
    define("LANG_LINKTOSPECCAT","Show category \"%1\"");
    define("LANG_ERRBADWORDFOUND","The ad text / title you entered contained words (%1), which are blacklisted in this market.");
    define("LANG_INDEXUSERWELCOME","Welcome back %1 (%2)!");
    define("LANG_INDEXNEWARTICLES","Since your last visit %1 ads have been added.");
    define("LANG_SHOWADSARTICLECOUNT","%1 entries");
    define("LANG_ADNOINFORMATION","Ad-no. %1 inserted on %2");
    define("LANG_XTIMESVIEWED","Ad viewed %1 times");
    define("LANG_TTLCATLIST","Category overview - %1");
    define("LANG_FIELDADDSUBCATS","<i>( %1 more sub-categories )</i>");
    define("LANG_TELLADSUBJECT","[ %1 ] A friend of yours found something interesting!");
    define("LANG_LOGINUSERIDBLOCKED","We are sorry, but your user account was disabled by the Administrator!<br>If you have any questions regarding your user account, please feel free to contact us.");
    define("LANG_LOGINUSERWRONGPASSWORD","We are sorry, but the username or/and the password are wrong!<br>If you have any questions regarding your user account, please feel free to contact us.");
    define("LANG_LOGINUSERPASSWORDMISSING","Please enter your username and password.");
    define("LANG_EDMYMESSARRAYDELETE","Ad deleted successfully!<br>%1 ad(s) was deleted / %2 not deleted, because of problems!");
    define("LANG_REMAINDAYSNORMAL","%1 day(s) left");
    define("LANG_PAGECREATETIME","Page created in %1 secs.");
    define("LANG_LINKTOPREVPAGE","[previous page]");
    define("LANG_LINKTONEXTPAGE","[next page]");
    define("LANG_ALLCOUNTRIES","All countries");
    define("LANG_MORECOUNTRIES","--- Other countries ---");
    define("LANG_USERTYPESAGEREST","User is not a member of closed usergroup");
    define("LANG_USERTYPESAGENOREST","User is a member of closed usergroup");
    define("LANG_NOFREEFIELDINFORMATION","<i>No further information available</i>");
    define("LANG_NOSTATISTICSFOUND","No statistics available");
    define("LANG_ERR_USER_NOT_FOUND","We are sorry. No user found having this email.");
    define("LANG_ERR_ALTERPASSWORD_TOO_YOUNG","You already have requested your new password within the last hour.<br>".
    "Please check your emails.");

    // Ad sort orders
    define("LANG_SORTORDERTITLE","by title");
    define("LANG_SORTORDERTITLEDESC","by title descending");
    define("LANG_SORTORDERINDATE","latest ads first");
    define("LANG_SORTORDERINDATEDESC","oldest ads first");
    define("LANG_SORTORDERVIEWS","by views");
    define("LANG_SORTORDERVIEWSDESC","by views descending");
    define("LANG_SORTORDERPICTURES","ads with pictures first");
    define("LANG_SORTORDERPICTURESDESC","ad without pictures first");
    define("LANG_FILTERALLTYPES","All ad types");

    // Ad durations / time spans

    // Ad types


    Utoljára módosítva: bugyli által : 2010-02-16 05:05

  2. #2
    WordPress Maniac mahone logója
    Begyűjtött 249 köszönetet
    170 hozzászólásával

    Alapbeállítás re: fordítót keresek

    Footer link honnan?


  3. #3
    TravianMaster hatasu logója
    Begyűjtött 96 köszönetet
    62 hozzászólásával

    Alapbeállítás re: fordítót keresek

    Holnap reggelre meg tudom csinálni ha az nem késő.

  4. #4
    'Say Hello To My Little Friend'
    Begyűjtött 0 köszönetet
    0 hozzászólásával

    Alapbeállítás re: fordítót keresek

    Footer linket az éppen készülő és fordítandó portálról adnék, elárulom, apróhirdető portálról van szó.

  5. #5
    'Say Hello To My Little Friend'
    Begyűjtött 0 köszönetet
    0 hozzászólásával

    Alapbeállítás re: fordítót keresek

    Köszönöm a mindenkinek, már két jelentkező van a fordításra. Ne fáradjatok vele olyan sok linket nem tudok adni... a két jelentkező megkapja a linkeket.

  6. #6
    WordPress Maniac mahone logója
    Begyűjtött 249 köszönetet
    170 hozzászólásával

    Alapbeállítás re: fordítót keresek

    Ha én lennék Hatasunk kívűl a másik, akkor átengedem neki a lehetőséget, ő előbb megmondta, hogy mikorra csinálja meg, tuti nekiállt már.

  7. #7
    'Say Hello To My Little Friend'
    Begyűjtött 0 köszönetet
    0 hozzászólásával

    Alapbeállítás re: fordítót keresek

    ok köszi, hogy szóltál... egyébként akit érdekel, egész jó kis apróhirdető motort találtam
    Classified Ads a neve... német

  8. #8
    TravianMaster hatasu logója
    Begyűjtött 96 köszönetet
    62 hozzászólásával

    Alapbeállítás re: fordítót keresek

    Idézet mahone eredeti hozzászólása Hozzászólás megtekintése
    Ha én lennék Hatasunk kívűl a másik, akkor átengedem neki a lehetőséget, ő előbb megmondta, hogy mikorra csinálja meg, tuti nekiállt már.
    tuti nem, mert hatasu megy a mammutba a samsung laptop kiállításra

    (de amint hazaér nekiáll ofc.)

  9. #9
    nembölcs nemvalid logója
    Begyűjtött 0 köszönetet
    0 hozzászólásával

    Alapbeállítás re: fordítót keresek

    Szerintem én voltam. Legalábbis remélem, mert már átküldtem

  10. #10
    'Say Hello To My Little Friend'
    Begyűjtött 0 köszönetet
    0 hozzászólásával

    Alapbeállítás re: fordítót keresek

    Idézet nemvalid eredeti hozzászólása Hozzászólás megtekintése
    Szerintem én voltam. Legalábbis remélem, mert már átküldtem
    Lehet, hogy te voltál... és nero de úgy tűnik, mindenki azt hiszi, hogy más fogja megcsinálni ezért senki sem csinálja meg.
    Azt írtad átküldted? hova? nem kaptam meg.

Oldal: 1 / 2 12 UtolsóUtolsó

A téma címkéi:


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